Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Emoree's 1st Day of School/Dance, & Anya is extubated!

I don't think I will feel like a "Mom of 2" until Anya comes home. I just realized that yesterday, as if I forgot and thought "oh yeah, I have two kids," but I don't feel like the "Mom of 2" yet because they have two totally seperate lives right now, and haven't even met yet.

Emoree's first official day of pre-k was yesterday! She was so excited to go! Not even one tear, from EITHER of us. Grandma and I drove her to school (since I just started driving again today), and I took her in and waited with her in her pre-k line in the school gym until her teacher came. She hugged and kissed me, and said, "Bye Mommy!" and walked off with her class. She loves "Big Girl School"! I waited at the end of the hallway and watched where she couldn't see me to make sure she didn't get confused. She forgot to take her folder out of her backpack before putting it in her locker, so I went up the hallway and got it out and gave it to her, and she said "bye" again.
We picked her up at 11:45am, when Pre-K lets out, and when she realized she wasn't riding the school bus home she got quite upset. I don't know what it is about this kid and school buses! Today I did look into where the school bus would drop her off if she were to ride it, but I wasn't happy with the location so today I am going to have to explain to her that the school bus doesn't come near our house :-/ When we got in the car, she had her first day of school present waiting for her in her car seat, a big Dora pillow that I picked up at Walmart yesterday morning :)
Last night Emoree had her first dance class at A Step Ahead! She looked just as confused and bewildered as this picture the entire time, but after class was over she really lit up and was excited to tell me how much fun she had, and that she wanted to go back in and dance with her friends!! She has 30 minutes of ballet, and 30 minutes of tap on Tuesday nights.
Anya had a big day yesterday too. See what's missing? Her breathing tube!!!! I went to visit her mid-day yesterday, and it was the right timing too because they started her on her 3rd breathing trial shortly after I got there, and she did so well that the half hour wasn't even over and they were starting to bring equipment in for extubation! I asked if she would be on CPAP, and Melanie told me no she is doing well enough she would be put on a low flow nasal cannula, which is what she has on in this picture. They asked me to leave the room, and about 20 minutes later Melanie came and got me and had a huge smile. It worked! We "celebrated" by later last night I brought her the doll that Aunt Mary Ellen gave her, and her Sisters By Heart blanket. She also has a sound machine too that I brought to her earlier, because she gets startled by loud noises.

They did attempt to run an nj feeding tube in her nose, but later when they did an x-ray it was not placed correctly so they pulled it out and will try again today. Her x-ray also showed that her left lung isn't inflating completely, which can happen after coming off a ventilator, so they increased the pressure on the oxygen she is receiving and tilted her to her right side to help with her lung. I can't wait to see her today!

1 comment:

  1. *hugs* How much fun about Emoree's dance stuff!! Love the pics! Ty likes the bus too, lol. They think its fun now and when they have to ride it when they're older, they'll beg us to drive them, lol!

    Yay Anya getting off the tube! I hope they can place her nj and get it in the right spot *hugs* keep fighting little girl!

    Karen, stay strong my friend! You're absolutely amazing!
