Friday, June 15, 2012

27 Weeks & 2 Days: Bed Rest Day 51

This week has been pretty normal, 2 doctor's appointments, and I've gotten back into crocheting big time :) Also something else pretty special... I started getting my first kicks in the ribs a few days ago!! Anya is SO active, much more than Emoree ever was. Sometimes feeling my belly I can feel Anya pushing out a body part... usually a foot or her butt and its so cool because I can feel the edges of her foot through my skin <3

I had my regular weekly cervix check on Wednesday morning, and Anya looks stable and good, but just as stubborn as ever because she will NOT turn her face around for a picture!!! Still head down and facing back. The amniotic fluid was measuring at 16cm, which is good! My cervix length is measuring at 1.8cm-2.1cm, short but stable, and still closed. Apparantly the perinatalogist (who I do not see regularly) leaves notes for the techs to ask me... at least this is what the tech told me on Wednesday because she said she had to ask to make sure I was still "behaving" on bed rest, because Dr. Harmon wanted to know. I'm being good! Ecspecially now that I'm back to crocheting, all I do is sit on my butt!

Thursday morning I had a renal ultrasound. Not pregnancy related, but my new OB is very thorough and since I have a unicornuate uterus, she wanted me to have a renal ultrasound because its all connected and comes from the same place during development. The tech scanned and measured my right kidney fast and easy... she spent a lot longer on the left side. It turns out, no left kidney for me! It didn't suprise me much. She said a normal kidney in an adult female is about 10cm, and my right is measuring 12cm most likely to overcompensate for the lack of a left. Good thing a person can live normally with only one kidney :-P

I've been testing my blood sugar 4x a day for just over a week now, and I didn't think I'd get used to the finger prick as quickly as I did. I used to freak out about my fingertips bleeding, but the finger prick isn't too big of a deal. My morning fasting # is usually in the normal-high range... 88-101. After breakfast is always high... 130-150. Lunch and dinner is give or take.. it varies from 110-150. I may or may not have gestational diabetes.. I'm supposed to take my chart of my #s I've been keeping to my OB on Monday.

Now for the fun stuff!!! I finally found a pattern for booties that I like, so here is Anya's first pair of baby booties, of course with a matching headband. Headbands are so easy to make sure will probably have one for every outfit.

This is my biggest project, EVER. I started it over a year ago well before I had even planned to conceive Anya. Last week, I pulled it out of the closet and started crocheting like crazy... literally hours at a time. It was less than half done when I started back on it... but I added 10+ rows each day to get it finished because I was determined to have it done before I started other projects!! It measures 42"x36", so it is a decent size baby blanket too.

I love this!!! I've never crocheted clothing before, and when I saw this pattern I decided I had to make it. For the price of the yarn, I made this whole set for under $6. It is a 0-3 months size dress and diaper cover, with a 14" crochet flower headband. I'm excited to eventually take pictures of Anya wearing it :) I made this whole set in less than 2 days.

First bare belly shot :-) 27 Weeks!!!! I took these yesterday. You can see how tan I am getting sitting out in the sun on nice days... with my arm next to my white belly lol. Anya is growing!!!

27 Weeks: 194.2lbs (+5.6 lbs!)

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